Saturday, August 18, 2007

New Client Added.-

The origins of Malayali weavers has not been studied extensively. Malayali weavers are generally believed to be descendents of Tamil/Telugu/Kannada weavers migrating at various points of history. Therefore, the origins of Malayali weavers is closely connected to weavers of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. However, Sali or Chaliyan weavers have completely adopted Malayali traditions over time(except for later migrants like Saliyar of Balaramapuram). Since the origin of Chaliyans is so intricately connected to other South Indian weavers a brief description of South Indian weavers is given in this article.
Edanga and Valanga
The right hand (Balanga) and left hand (Edanga) divisions are unique to South India and mostly observed in Tamil and Telugu regions in the past. There is no clear cut definition for these divisions. These divisions mostly determined ritual privileges with right hand castes generally clamining higher position over left hand castes. And there were incidences of Edangas upgrading themselves to Balangas.
The Saliya migrations need not be in a mass scale. Individual families would migrate and take refuge with local chieftains or with rich families. When the numbers of Saliya families increase in a particular area they would then form their own settlements which were called Teru. The region encompassing a Teru and a main community temple was called Nagara.